It doesn't matter using wrong grammer


so~I can say anything to me or to someone for free

adjusting...right...I'm adjusting

adjusting the fake life

take off your mask,ok?

I'm really tired about this!

I know most of you still think what I am

Or you could think that I'm unreasonable

That's OK!

Cause I don't tend to change myself or anything

As you are a group

What you do is just hurt somebody

you won't know you did it

you could just crying and complaining whose fault

then,the true is,you won!

no matter it is the truth or not

people are already beilieve the whole process you have talked

at the beginning, I am wondering what did I do past

but now,no one will remind themselves to think more

yeah~you are all hurt

It seems that the hurt is my responsibility

someday if one of you have experienced the similar situation

I will no doubt revenge to you


don't try to use the fake smile

and want to cover your action and what you have said

that's all

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